The Art of Deception

Maciej Pawlik
3 min readJan 14, 2017


Trust…Something desirable yet difficult to build, of value, but not of commonness. Trust is a quality all have and build with different people in their lives over time, but is there ever a real sense of trust between people, can people truly trust one another fully, or do people’s selfish aims get in their way of creating this all important link?!?! All interesting questions that can never be considered worth anything until the reader develops a trust with me over the time it takes for one to finish reading this…

The reason why this blog post is entailed ‘The Art of Deception’ instead of trust is because deception is often the true reason for the formation of trust nowadays, it is a true fact that one must accept. People don’t trust politicians because they believe that they are deceiving them, whereas they trust their teenage sons and daughters because they don’t want to feel deceived by them, people whom they share a closeness to. This is a perfectly natural human thing to do, to protect oneself from the issues and challenges of the modern day, parents don’t want to find out that their teens are actually drinking hard liquor, smoking weed, having sex, or even rallying. But people must face the truth. Due to the fact that, the average adult is taken up by their work life, any extra commitments, and remembering the all important dates; they miss certain aspects of their family’s life, and this causes a consequential ozone hole in their ozone layer of trust with their family. As time goes by, more holes form and the nature of their relationship changes…

It is crucial to consider that time is not one of the necessary components of forming a trust, although, for most, it certainly helps. Some people feel that the nature and intimacy of their relationship can create an appropriate environment for trust to exist, even when this trust may be disrupted by deception by one of the partners; it still remains firmly rooted and both partners rebuild the strength of their trust for one another. Trust in a relationship is not the same as general trust one holds for individuals they do not know, for them trust isn’t based on what is actually known about the person but rather by the things they psychologically associate with them… Considering this, the ideas of trust and deception become weapons one could use on the psychological battleground known as our brain…

As it is written in the Bible ‘I truly tell you’, it is not unheard of to use trust as a leverage for deception. In recent times this is exactly what trust has been used for by those high up in the rankings of man. The presidency in Russia is one that drowns itself in deception, people of Russia are mere puppets to his Lordship, the great Putin the deceiver; who very mysteriously managed to successfully gain support on various major energy, food, and financial deals despite initial signs suggesting otherwise. He has successfully retained his powerful position despite Russia being a Capitalist state and generally has shown little support for Eastern European success. But despite these unusual circumstances, Putin does show signs of real trust with the new ‘king of the world’ Donald J Trump…

Leading up to the US election, Putin showered the US with encouragement for Trump. He did so through his own accord and also through other accords that came in the form of computer hackers. Whether the media portrayals are true or false is unclear as one cannot fully trust them, but one thing is certain; a relationship between Trump and Putin does exist, and whether this is one based on trust or rather deception, the persons of this mighty Earth are soon to find the answer for…

